Hello, I’m LisaBeth Thomas. I go by “LB” and I have some really exciting news to share with you! But before I do, I have a few questions for you.
- Have you ever walked away from a conversation and realized you didn’t speak up for yourself and wonder why?
- Have you ever justified not reaching out to a prospect and missing out on the sale?
- Are you exhausted from taking care of everybody else, making sure everybody else’s needs are met before taking care of your own?
- Has someone else’s behavior triggered frustration and anger in you and you don’t know why?
Yea, me too.
Here’s the crazy thing, I’ve got 30 years’ experience in marketing, and it is imperative in marketing to know what motivates your customer to buy. And with over 30 years, I got pretty darn good at figuring out what makes people tick. It wasn’t until I had a personal set-back, well, it was more of a blow-up, that I discovered that we all have core fears. Core fears that undermine our success, our relationships, our communications. I then started playing back conversations, things I said, things I didn’t say, or things I did or didn’t do. It was right then and there that I discovered core fears were silently sabotaging my communications, my relationships, my success. And I was determined to stop them. So, I did.
That’s why I created this course! I want everyone to find freedom from fear as I did, to have the life and success they deserve.
That’s why I’m doing this challenge, to get Outwitting Fear into the hands of 50 people or more in just 10 days. But I need your help, watch the video to see how you can make a positive impact with your friends, families, colleagues and your bank account.